Like I've mentioned before, at the beginning of every season, I like to reaccessorize the house & get it feeling like the season. It's a great way to bring out some items you may have in storage- You really appreciate things more when they've been out of your sight for a while & you finally display them. I know this sounds like the complete opposite of a simple life, but it really makes you happy about your home & really gets you into the season.
image from Country Living

3)Switch your draperies. If you don't really love decorating, this may sounds like crazy talk, but I like to do thicker draperies in the cooler months. They make the rooms feel cozier, but they actually do insulate the windows too. I use the same rod & rings & just switch out the panels.
4)Rearrange your mantle & display surfaces. If you don't have a mantle, consider using central pieces of furniture, like a large hutch in your living room. You can even hang a shelf & use it as your "mantle." Use gold frames & rich, warm-colored paintings. Layer accessories for a relaxed, causal look.

Images from Cottage Living
6) Add some pretty vintage or antique finds. They give a sense of age & a richness to a room. Check out Eddie Ross's website for great tips on scoring great finds at thrift stores & flea markets. Also check out shift for some photos of gorgeous vintage trophies.
7) Add some seasonal treats. Bowls of walnuts look beautiful & are delicious to have around!
image from Cottage Living

1) Switch out accent pillows & throw blankets to warmer-toned pieces. I have fairly neutral furniture & this is really a fun & inexpensive way to change your room. I like to use ambers & orangey-golds in the fall. It's also time to break out those faux-fur blankets that are everywhere right now- You won't want to put these away in the Spring! Here's a picture of the living area in our kitchen:
2) Rearrange your accessories so that the warmer pieces are showcased. We have a leatherbound book collection (started by my grandfather) that I like to rearrange. The orange books get moved to more central locations in our living room hutch when it's time for Fall. I also flip some of the books so the spines are facing backwards & you can see the gold edges of the pages. It adds a pretty sparkle to a space:
3)Switch your draperies. If you don't really love decorating, this may sounds like crazy talk, but I like to do thicker draperies in the cooler months. They make the rooms feel cozier, but they actually do insulate the windows too. I use the same rod & rings & just switch out the panels.
4)Rearrange your mantle & display surfaces. If you don't have a mantle, consider using central pieces of furniture, like a large hutch in your living room. You can even hang a shelf & use it as your "mantle." Use gold frames & rich, warm-colored paintings. Layer accessories for a relaxed, causal look.

5) Bring the outdoors in. Go get some pumpkins & gourds! (I love the white pumpkin) I also like to bring in seasonal greenery & even branches from outdoors- it's inexpensive & really beautiful. You can do so much & the possibilitys are endless. Check out this amazing idea from Country Living:

7) Add some seasonal treats. Bowls of walnuts look beautiful & are delicious to have around!

image from

Check out this bungalow from Country Living which has been so beautifully decorated for Fall.
Have anymore Fall decorating ideas? I'd love to hear them!
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