Welcome to another Tablescape Thursday, where dishes rattle and glasses clink and Susan over at Between naps on the Porch hosts a most favored blog party. Be sure to visit all of the talented bloggers!
To begin this week...I'd like to introduce you to my "inspiration" placemat. I know that sounds odd, but I start each table that way: with inspiration. That usually comes in the form of linens. I really enjoy linens, and they lead the way in most of my tablescapes, either at home or at work.
I have had these placemats for years and I like that they have several looks: retro, tropical, colorful, floral...

I love the salad plates, I think the leaf pattern mimics the pattern on the placemat, and they are brown underneath. The Claremont dishes make their appearance too, of course! :)

I like the glass in the middle of the napkin

Happy Tablescaping! I'll be visiting you soon!
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