First, dig out your old potpourri
Sort out the different "shapes".
Logan helped me do this...he also asked me about a gazillion times: "What's this from?" in his sweet 3 year old voice, every piece whether different or the same from the last piece: "What's this from?"Buy yourself or find one around the house, I did, a little wreath. This is only an 8'' wreath.
Whip out your trusty glue gun, mine looks like some kind of gross glob thing, and proceed to randomly glue on the different dried items, that you have no idea where they're from.
Be sure to start with an item at a time and sort of, but not really, evenly place them around the wreath. Don't go crazy though, I ended up pulling a few of the mediocre dried thingies off to make room for the prettier pods or berries. Eventually, your wreath will be filled with non-smelling potpourri that you've kept in a Wal-mart bag for years knowing one day......................

You would come up with a project to do because you didn't have the heart to throw it away, because really; you don't know where it's from.
But it is pretty! Another one bites the dust! Check one off the To Do Eventually List!!

Happy Fall and Happy Met Monday!

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