One Year of Mantlescapes

I was stripping the mantle of it's summer accoutrement (so sad!!) to get ready to do a new mantlescape and it dawned on me that it has been a full year since we did the Fireplace Facelift! So I thought it would be fun to visit all the mantelscapes that I've done over the past 4 seasons. Are you game?

The mantle is one of the only places I have to do any foo-fooing in the living room, so it gets lots of attention, and it's one of my favorite things to do (you know this right?:)

So a refresher of where the fireplace began in our suburbanite home. FYI: Click on the links below each picture to take you to the original post for all the deets.

Yikes! Talk about a flashback! This was taken right before we moved in 2004 (we painted everywhere before we moved in). I lived with this wimpy mantel for several years, then finally we tackled it last summer.

The Fireplace Facelift

( What it looks like, as of today, 2011)

Summer Mantle, 2010

Fall Mantle, 2010

Halloween Mantel, 2010

Christmas Mantle, 2010

Pre-Spring Mantle, 2011

Spring Mantle, 2011
Summer Mantle, 2011

2nd Version, Summer Mantle, 2011

Sadly, Summer is over.....but I am working on a new mantlescape for fall, I'll be sharing soon!

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you're inspired!

So, I gotta ask: Have you been bitten by the 'fall' bug yet?


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