So here are my 5 Addictions.. hmmm.. (in no particular order because seeing what #5 is, that would be really terrible!! hahaha)
1) Interior Design & all things house/ home... enough said.
2)Entertaining: I love having friends over & getting the food/ drinks out & the table/ buffet set up... putting on the music while we wait for everyone to show... eating and/or hanging out hopefully followed by dancing to cheesy music (yeah, I know that's not your normal dinner party thing but I really do love an "impromptu" dance party ;) ... And I really love having parties... especially Halloween (below is a picture of a ridiculous pirate party) and here are some pictures from a party at my old townhouse:
Ok.. and here's a pirate party we had in college that I must include because it was one of the best! (Check out the walls & ceilings- black trashbags- & doors! --- it still makes me proud- ha!.. that's one of my bestfriends, Erin, on the right)

3)Another one has definitely starting to become blogging (I've started logging on at random times to see if anyone commented!!! or It's time to do something around the house (like make dinner!) & I'm reading voraciously ;) oops!

5) My husband & toddler. I don't want to get too gooey here, but they're everything to me:

Okay! So, here are my 5 fabulous blogs (there are so many more but I could only choose 5!) (again, in no particular order) ... and guys, PLEASE don't feel you have to pass this on if you've got too much going on!
3. Eddie Ross
You're It!
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