I have a thing for trays. They are useful for carrying, holding and displaying. Love 'em! So when I spied what looked to me like an over-sized tray at the GW, I scooped it up. I later discovered it is the top to a tray table, but for six bucks, who needs legs?
I'm not a cherry girl, but I loved the shape and function of this tray and the hardware was really neat.
I initially thought that I would take the entire piece apart, but Justin suggested that I just tape off the hardware, I did, and it proved to be a lot easier. I sometimes make things harder than they have to be...speaking of which, I used a spray primer and a spray paint and it was so super easy, I'm usually a paint-with-the-brush kind of gal...but spraying was the way to go in this project. Note to self: just because you took the easy spray paint road doesn't make a project any less pretty, just less time consumming!
I really like how all the sides lay down
I cleaned the piece really well with degreaser and used Zinsser's 1-2-3-Primer to seal everything
I used Krylon Satin Ivory for a top coat and gently sanded the edges for a less than perfect look.
I accessorized it on the buffet for now, but I would love to see it on the ottoman, or maybe with breakfast being served....to me....in bed (hint, hint Justin!)
I like the edges distressed, just like me...
You are probably thinking I need some color in my life, but I am finding a monochromatic pallet very soothing to me right now...It probably won't last long, I know me, spring will be here before long and I'll be craving all the color that comes with it

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you're inspired!I'll let you know if the breakfast in bed thing works out! :)

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