It stayed walnut for a while.........................then I painted it black and distressed the edges.(I sometimes struggle with painting perfectly good wood)
Pardon the clutter, I was in the midst of something there....not sure what!?!

Thank Goodness, that pattern was very distracting! A little elbow grease and I didn't have to spend any money replacing glass!

OK, now stay with me here.....I had an idea.
Because the hutch is a little short and squatty, I wanted to build something to sit on top of the buffet part and allow the hutch part to sit on that to have more height and presence. Did you follow that? :) OK, great idea, how does one do that?
Well...you ask your engineering-minded husband, that's how!
Enter: Justin
Justin built me something , with cubbies, for some wooden box/basket things that I had ...Confused? Me too!
I can come up with the ideas, but I can't execute them, I have no carpentry skills whatsoever...
I don't have any pictures, he built it while I was at work....but here is what it looks like:

See the cubbies? I bought those wooden boxes at Walmart a while back. Justin was able to build the add-on based on the size of them...I still don't know how he did it!
He trimmed it out and I painted it black. We took the the apron (?) off the top and added recycled molding.
I used the infamous Gibson dishes and a lot of my other things too.
I love my green and white!
I began thinking the boxes look plain, they were functioning great, BUT I can't leave anything alone... so this is what we did next...
He attached handles to the boxes!
Looks better!!!

See the handles on the bottom I still have to replace? I'm working on it! :)

Well, that was a big one...thanks for sticking with me during ALL those pictures! I love the result and as soon as I get those handles for the bottom she'll be perfect!
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