The Stool and the Pigeon Part II

If you are a regular reader, you know I just painted this stool, just a few days ago, Friday to be exact...

You are probably wondering why I'm doing a seperate post, it is just a stool afterall, but because I'm some kind of camera junkie, I take pictures.of.every.single.thing.

....and I decided to do an addition to the stool

As you know, I started with a 3.00 Goodwill stool

Using left over wall paint, I gave it two good coats and distressed the edges with black paint (see part I)

and for a whole day, I was happy with the results

I thought it turned out terrific
But then I decided to take another look at that needed sumpin'

Here's What I Did:
~I printed a "3" using the Engravers Font, sized at 450, on my word processor

~Using a blunt pencil, or an embossing tool, I traced the number on center of the stool

Sitting in the right light, it was very easy to fill the number in with black paint using a very small brush....

oh yeah, and a steady hand!

Ok, I think I'm happy...maybe!! :)

So, from this:

To this:

Thanks for stopping by to take another look!

I don't think there will be a Part III!

Linking to the following parties:


The Girl Creative



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