And here's the After:

I love it!!! It belongs to Mary Ankar & she was assisted by none other than Anne Turner Carroll. (I think it's safe to say we bloggers pretty much love anything she gets her hands on.) What made the biggest impact in the space was the addition of the gray-green grasscloth wallpaper. I think I MUST have this somewhere in my house:
Our guest bedroom has a pair of glass lamps just like this & a very similar bed and I will have to fight with all of my being to not straight-up copy this room!! :) hahah

Also check out the before of the antique chair:

And how perfect is it now?! :

The roman shades are hung just under the crown molding & I love their relaxed elegance...

The antique desk looks far from old with the modern lamp & artwork above it. They put sketches in ready-made frames for budget-friendly accessories:

The pillow (I have to say this!) is just like the body pillow on my bed! (here I thought it was so original!! oh well ;)But I just LOVE IT!!! It's from a rug they purchased for the room that didn't work & they had it turned into a pillow. The pattern is gorgeous & it really oomphs the style level in the room. (And I can tell you how easy haveing one big pillow is!)

And finally, Anne Turner Carroll created this arrangement below out of mounted wallpaper. She felt an entire wall or large canvas of it would have been too much for the space so she broke it up. What a great idea!!! Especially if you have pretty wallpaper remnants- which I do!!! (remember the kitchen nook?!) Love the pops of yellow throught the room...
Anyway, with the loss of some of my favorite magazines (Domino & Cottage Living--- tears!!) I was really happy to see such a fresh, young space in Southern Living. There are a few more in this issue & I'm hoping this is how it will stay. We're all out here begging for some new, budget-friendly, beautiful "real" spaces!!!
ps- Thank you SO much for all the sweet comments about our bedroom redo!! (previous post) It really make it all worth it!! :)
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