You might remember my indecisiveness about which color to paint the metal laurels above my windows in the living room, so much so that I actually painted one black and one white. Thanks for all the feed back on this too, someone suggested painting them the wall color and I contemplated that for a while as well. Why I can put together an entire room and then get stuck on a minute detail, I'll never know...but stuck I was.
I lived with my ying and yang for a while, and finally it occurred to me what the problem was. The curtain rods. They are decent rods, nickel finish with a little bauble on the end, nice enough, but they just don't belong. We are also going to go ahead and blame my indecisiveness on them too, while we're at it!
No, I didn't paint them, although I would've, but I had black rods hanging in the kitchen, so I robbed those and went ahead and changed my Summer panels for my winter ones....
...and I've been racking my brain on what to have a giveaway on and it finally occurred to me, I can't wait to share it with you, next week!
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