I always feel nervous, when I've been away from the blog for a while, to jump back in, but then I do and it's like a nice warm sweater and I get to feeling cozy again. I've been away for good reason, as you all know, I have been working non-stop on the reinvention of my small suburban kitchen. Thanks for staying around and if you're new here, thanks for joining me. It has taken me a little over three weeks to complete the facelift, but in reality, we have been paddling towards this goal for a while, and finally it's about 90% done and I couldn't be happier.
I haven't been bitten by the 'Spring' bug yet, so I've stayed with my green and white look, a time tested winner in my book. I hope to get some fabric ordered and as time goes on, more color will be added, but for now, I'm just happy to be done. I don't think I'm going to prime, paint, or sand anything for a while. I'm done.
I searched the photo archives and I couldn't have found a better before picture than when we first moved in, 6 years ago. Just a side note, I did not change the counter top in the facelift, so look closely at it here so you can see the change I did make to it.
When we moved in, we had the standard: Oak cabinets, laminate counter top, linoleum floors, and beige carpet in the eating area (whose idea was that?). Really, it is a decent space. Not too big, not too small, but of course my mind was spinning with the changes I wanted to make. Super speed, 6 years later, and I'm within close proximity to the beautiful kitchen that I always wanted to look at, I don't actually do the cooking. :) What we have done so far over the years making our way to now....that is saving up and buying, nothing bought on credit....replaced the carpeting and linoleum flooring throughout (6 years ago). New appliances (3 years ago), and new cabinet hardware (2 years ago), you'll see a close up of the pulls further down.
The eating area, look at the carpeting! Yikes!
I don't think you can go wrong with this look, it's my favorite, and at this time of year, it's just enough. Coffee mugs from Crate and Barrel, round tray from Walmart reinvented with spray paint, vintage milk glass and pitcher from Kolh's.
I just don't think you have to go to the poorhouse to achieve the look you want. I almost prefer something second-hand or thrifted to be reinvented and who doesn't love a chance to be creative? The botanical art is a tea towel I stretched, see how I did it here. That white pear jar was a thrifted find that I painted, that was a fun project, take a look at it here.
So on to what all I did in the facelift, obviously painting the cabinets have been the number one changing force in this whole transformation. I've been sharing the 'during' and finally here is the final result. I primed, painted, sanded between each coat. I was a good girl and did everything just right so this will last for years to come. As you know, we added height to the top of the cabinets, crown mold and corbels to the bottom. I painted the uppers in Tailor's Chalk from Martha Stewart and the bottoms in Silhouette from Martha.
As much as I wanted to get new counter tops, we just can't afford it right now, so I had to work with what we had. The laminate has one thing going for it, it's neutral and easy to work with, what it doesn't have going for it was the oak trim. Who came up with that idea? So the literal counters are laminate and then trimmed in oak, geez...so I painted the oak. I taped everything off, the wall and the laminate part and primed and painted it, just like I did for the cabinets. The funny thing is, I used the same color I have on the walls in the living room.... it was a perfect match, I couldn't believe it. I'm pacified for a while, and it looks great. I've got to buy an outlet cover for the phone jack that I ripped out, but I just can't bear to make another trip to the hardware store, maybe next week
Stainless steel appliances, like I said, we bought about 3 years ago. I love the microwave off of the counter especially. One thing that I regret, although I just wasn't aware of it, is counter depth refrigerators, I would have certainly wanted that, but I just didn't know any better at the time, but it's only six inches, not too bad.
We kept the original sink too, but we'll be getting one eventually. I want one of those goose neck faucets. Those are the three big things that is keeping us at 90%....counter tops, sink and faucet and back splash. Is that four things?
I painted the door to the garage with chalkboard paint, Logan is breaking it in as we speak. It's going to be a lot of fun having it.
The Bedford Gray on the walls have just been such a great neutral color, love it.
After we added the height to the cabinets, the seem between the tops of the cabs and the 1X4's were driving me crazy (yes, I'm that anal), so Justin added some trim for me to cover it up, it turned out great. I just painted and it blended right in, like it's always been there
Here is a close up of the countertops deoaked. This has a major impact too in the overall look, I'm really happy with the results. For now. I still hear Quartz counters calling my name.
One other little thing that I learned, plan out the placement of the corbels. Outlets are a bear to work around and I had to knock a couple corbels down (that I had already glued) because it wasn't working all the way around the kitchen....I worked it out and again, love the added interest. P.S....because I will be adding a back splash eventually, I glued them to the underneath of the cabinets, not to the wall, so when the time comes, they will come down easy and then accommodate the tile and not damage the wall.
Love the black.
Another close up of the hardware, I found it at Lowe's a couple of years ago on sale. $1.48 each, the perfect blend of retro, yet mod, love it and looks great on the white and the black. If you've replaced your cabinet hardware, you know how hefty a price tag that is! $1.48 was a steal.
Don't tell anyone, but it occured to me, that I'm going to be able to fit a lot of dishes up there behind that height addition! That's four inches of space plus the crown that I can store dinnerware in! What plate addiction? Whatever do you mean?
A little vignette on top of the fridge....hey, there's the bonus at having a full size fridge, more foo-foo room. Seasonal dishes are stored in the small cabs behind, if you're wondering.
Also, if you'd like to see an obscene amount of pictures of this facelift, check out my photostream, click here.
Here are some answers to questions from the comments so far:
Did you paint the countertops or is it new?
I painted the oak that trimmed the existing counters. I used a paint that closely matched the color of the laminate.
Did you sand and prime the door before painting it with Chalkboard paint?
I did prime the door, I didn't sand, but it still took three coats of the chalkboard paint. Luckily, it dries really fast and it was a quick project. I love it and so do the kiddies! Plus, just doing a door is a big enough surface if you don't have a whole wall or nervous about taking the chalkboard plunge.
What did you use to to hold the corbels in place while the glue set?
I was watching This Old House one time (I don't have cable) and they used a combo of liquid nails and hot glue to adhere some countertop (or something), so I thought to myself, Why wouldn't that work for the corbels? and it did! I did sit a couple of paint cans under them as well, just in case, I just pushed them up against the wall part, but the hot glue really did the trick.
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