Happy Monday everyone! I hope everyone had a great weekend. I wanted to make a couple of announcements about what is going to be happening here on the blog. Nothing drastic, I just want to introduce a more organized schedule.....and when I say schedule, I mean more along the lines of having a better idea of what you'll see here at Sweet Something Design. Up until now, I'm kinda squirrely on what I write about, but I am trying to get more organized, you know, that whole New Year's Goal thing. So after some careful planning, here is what I've come up with and I hope you'll enjoy:
Inspiration Monday
With so much inspiration around the web, Monday's are going to be devoted to sharing interesting and inspiring links, with pictures of course.
It Works For Me Tuesday
From fabrics, to paint colors, to DIY projects and anything in between....if it works for me, it might work for you! I'm looking forward to sharing what I love and relate to, I know we'll find something in common.
Whatever Wednesday
Wednesday's are open to share whatever I'm working on. Let's face it, I am squirrely, so I need an open day, Lord only knows what I'll share, I need a little wiggle room on Wednesday, maybe I should name it Wiggle Wednesday! :)
At Home Thursday
Take a look at what I'm piddling on here at home. Projects, tablescapes, mantelscapes, seasonal interest, and more. How about some field trips too!
Weekend Links
For now, Fridays are the day I want to share links to peruse over the weekend. Eventually, I will use Fridays to highlight my sponsors.
Secondly, I would like to start accepting sponsors. The online community is such an inspiring force, I would love to highlight your blog, Etsy shop (or any other store), or website. This has been on my mind (and heart) for a long time now. Any chance to partner with a fellow entrepreneur is truly one of my goals. My sidebar is open and ready to welcome you! The only disclaimer I have is that each sponsor will be researched before being accepted. This is not to offend anyone, simply stated, I must feel that my readers will benefit from your product or service and I want to make sure we are a good fit. I look at sponsorship more as a partnership and I would love to work with you! If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, email me for rates.
I am excited to share these new things with you! Thank you so much for stopping by and while you are here, consider following along!
I will be starting the new schedule next week and the sponsorship right away, email me.
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