It seemed like I was never going to click on the publish button ever again. Recovering from a major surgery is not fun, and yes you do hear a little whine in my voice. I haven't felt creative, I missed Spring (the whole season) and I don't even want to talk about the tornado that ravished the heart of Joplin Missouri which is just down the road from me. I was going to come back and post pictures of all the destruction, but I just didn't have the heart, this is suppose to be a happy place to share ideas and inspiration, not destruction. We went to MSSU and watched President Obama speak last Sunday....not that I am an Obama supporter, but I do support Joplin. What the tornado did is unspeakable. You may or may not know that I am from Eastern NC, I've been through several hurricanes, but this is the first tornado that has come this close since living here (in MO), and I was scared. Lord help as Joplin starts to rebuild and start again.
June 1 was my birthday, one more year closer to 40. I still haven't regained all my strength from surgery so I put together a table that made me happy, in honor of my birthday. Really, really slowly. I wanted to use my vintage Mikasa (circa 1974) dinnerware, featuring Vera Nuemann, that I got for my birthday last year. I absolutely love it.
June 1 was my birthday, one more year closer to 40. I still haven't regained all my strength from surgery so I put together a table that made me happy, in honor of my birthday. Really, really slowly. I wanted to use my vintage Mikasa (circa 1974) dinnerware, featuring Vera Nuemann, that I got for my birthday last year. I absolutely love it.
How do you like the table runner? I made myself a birthday present! :) I made it out of some Waverly fabric that I bought some time ago. I can barely sew, yet I buy fabric all the time. What's with that? I'm telling you, if there were numeric levels of sewing I'd be on level zero. But true to form, I'm going to throw a tute out there just in case you are at the same level as I am. Look for it next week, early. Maybe. We'll see what the pain levels are.
I had enough scraps to produce some napkin rings too, I'll throw how to do that in the tute too.
I've done a little spray painting too. I jazzed up a plain glass cake stand with Krylon's Ivy leaf, I love that color and use it a lot. This was a super easy project and if you spray the glass from the bottom, you won't have to worry about contaminating food.
The dinnerplates are colbalt blue with white fern and the dessert plates are reversed, love that.
You may have seen these goblets before, they are vintage too.
I love mixing old and new and throw in a little handmade.
The goblets are two different sizes. I remember back in the nineties, I was really into colbalt everything, then I wasn't for a long time. But I've come to love it again.
For me, and you might agree, Tablescapes are a great way of having a little bit of every style I like, without the commitment of redecorating everytime I fall in love with a new look.
Thanks for stopping by and sticking around!
*Updated* DIY Table Runner Tutorial click here.
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