Do you like taking seasonal pictures? I am a little anal about it. I like to "go take pictures" for every season, to document each season (year) of our lives. The kids are growing up SO fast (and I seem to be 'growing' too:) and I love looking back on each year. I don't scrapbook as much as I use to, but I still like having all the pictures.
Picture taking is not a chosen activity of my small brood of men, I have to do a little sweet talkin' with the bigger ones like: "I won't bother you the rest of the day......" and " You can go to the mall after we are done...." and for that little one, it's a little easier....."Yes, you can bring Mickey Mouse."
This year, and I don't know why I haven't tried it before....funny props and in this case; Moustaches! I seriously made these 10 mintues before we left out of black cardstock and skewers.Is this not hilarious??

Lord help me, he's got {real} facial hair.
This one just cracks me up.
Of course I had to get in on the fun too.
Justin was game too.
The moustaches were a lot of fun and all the guys were enjoying 'taking pictures' and it made all the difference.
Keegan is taking pictures for me here.

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you are inspired to get out and take some pictures!

Need a design boost? For advice and guidance on style, contact me!
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