Halloween Scenery

Last year, I totally waited until the last minute to decorate for Halloween, but this year, I've gotten a head start. We have such a large turnout of trick-or-treaters, that we usually go all out. Not in a scary way, just a fun and festive way.

I always try to do something different each year just to keep the same ole stuff looking fresh. Now what I've done this year, you will either think I'm a genius or think I'm a nut. Last year, I painted the door black, check it out HERE. Well, what I didn't mention was the fact that I used chalk board paint. At the time, I did it because after using two other types of black paint and going insane over the roller marks, I tried chalk board paint and it did the trick. Fast forward to today, and it dawns on me that I could have a little fun with this!
I basically just outlined the panels with chalk, but it made it look sort of cartoon like and very Halloweenish!

I also went a little crazy on my fall wreath too. I changed out the plaid bow that I had on it for fall (which I'll put back on after the 31st) in lieu of a Halloween bow. I used three different ribbons and left the exaggerated tails extra long. I added a little wooden Halloween garland that I got at Barnyard Days last weekend.

My little flower bed is over flowing with mums. Some of them are four years old, and they come back strong every year. I missed out on cutting them back this past spring because I was recovering from my surgery, so they are bigger than I like for them to get. I didn't have the heart to cut them back once they were all full of buds, so as a result I have giant mums! :) They haven't all bloomed yet, but it won't be long.

Huge mum bushes didn't stop me from planting a few new things this year, kale and pansies, and a perennial that I can't remember the name of.

I put out a couple of skeletons and tombstones out in the beds, I think they look kinda funny.

I also planted a new color this year too, this burnt orange color will mix well with the yellow and red mums.

The new mums helped in hiding how leggy the older mums had gotten too.

I don't have a huge entry, but on the left side, I've hung an old crib spring and then layered little fall goodies, stuff I've had for years.

Another look at the wreath, I found that ribbon at Michael's last year, but they didn't have anything that cute this year.

I still have lights and spiderwebs to add, but we are getting there!!

Thanks for stopping by! I hope your are inspired!
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