Twas the height of yard sale season and all through the hoods, I search high and low for dazzling vintage goods. Typically, the children are still nestled, all snug in their beds while I have visions of furniture and accessories dancing in my head. Off I go with a roll of thunder, yard sales and garage sales to plunder!
When out on the lawn of a house nice and neat, I encounter a big tub and an eight foot tree! Away to the women I flew like a flash..."How much is the tree, I'll give you cash!"
A dollar she exclaimed, but I couldn't believe, what could be wrong with that eight foot tree? "Nothing" she answered, "and all the pieces are there..." I welcomed her answer, if I dare!
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly, I jumped in the car and waved bye, bye! Fast forward to now and gaze upon the tree. It's eight foot tall as you can see. What the fair lady failed to mention was that eight foot tree girth dimensions!
I spoke not a word, but went right to work and decorated the tree, I was going berserk! It's too big and dowdy, I thought with a pout, my head was swimming with all sorts of doubt!
I persevered and kept right on going. With ribbon and bells and pine cones and more, I decked out that tree, it finally started flowing!
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