Yesterday, was the first day of chemo, it sorta felt like the first day of school, I didn't know anyone, didn't know where to go, where to stand, what to do....my MIL was with me so at least I didn't have to feel like a goof ball alone (which is how I felt on first days of school :)
All and all it went pretty smooth, I didn't start to feel bad until a couple of hours after I got home. I felt ok, then all of a sudden I didn't feel so hot. I was given nausea medicine before the chemicals so I didn't feel nauseated....I felt like I'd been hit by a truck and I couldn't move....later a killer headache came...I just laid in bed and never got up. I finally shuffled out to eat dinner and to watch The Voice...then shuffled back. They told me in Chemo Ed that the first time is going to be the worst...my body was just going to be in shock for a while. I've got three more days and Wednesday and Thursday are six hour drips. God give me strength.
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