Thank you so much for all love and support about losing my hair...a lot of you know exactly what I'm going through and I feel better knowing there are a lot of people in my 'virtual corner' :)
You guys know I am not a cook, per say...but I am trying really hard to try to become clean. What does that mean? Well, I've been delving into the world of eating healthy and having a clean body...basically eating right to defeat the cancer. At the beginning of the year (before I knew the cancer had come back), I really wanted to start eating right, and now that the cancer has reared it's ugly head, I am, let's say, a little more determined to begin a healthy lifestyle. A lot of you have share various websites (thank you!) and a good friend of mine told me about Eat To and I have learned a lot reading over there. I bought an inexpensive juicer and tried out a 'green lemonade' recipe. I thought I would share this recipe just in case you haven't heard of it or want to start juicing too.
This recipe calls for the following:
Fist full of Kale (7-8 leaves)
7 Stalks of celery
2 Sweet Apples (cored)
1 Lemon (cut the ends off)
1" of Ginger Root
This was the first time I've ever used a was actually really fun! I was amazed with how much juice can be extracted from veggies! It is really loud and I was really clumsy with it at first, but the more I used it, the better I got.
This recipe yields approximately 12 oz. I read too that by drinking the juice, your body isn't spending energy trying to digest the whole foods, the energy is spent cleansing, I had never thought about that .
Of course, everyone wanted to try it, even Logan...which he did not like it and told me so. :)
For me, it was not bad. I think, like with anything, it will take some time to get use to....but I will get use to...the cleaner I get, the better it will taste. I like it ice cold and with a straw.
I am looking for other versions of juice recipes, I bought a diet book dedicated to eating right, so I'm looking towards getting a handle on my health. With every change in lifestyle, it isn't easy. Giving up things like red meat, whole food, fried foods...yikes! This is a step in the right direction!
If you can believe it (I can't), I do not have any doctor appointments this week! However, my next round of chemo starts next week. Just like they told me...about the time I start feeling better, it would be time to go back. Round two here I come!
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