The effects didn't really start taking over until I was home. My most notable side effects especially after the cisplatin: Constant thirst, severe headache, abdomen pain, nausea and fatigue. Also, with all the fluids they pumped in me, I gained 8 lbs. in two days...needless to say, going to the potty is a new pastime too. :) Most of the nausea is controlled with pills, but I was having a hard time staying ahead of it.
As far as food, the only thing I've been able to stomach is potato soup, which seems kinda strange to me, and Sprite. I haven't even been able to drink coffee either! Boo!
Today, I've been a lot better, I've only slept part of the day and even spent some time outside with Logan. I sat in the shade with my camera while he was 'bird watching' this is one of the cutest shots, too cute at this age!
I have an easter project I've been working on here and there, but it comes so early this year! I'll be lucky if I even get it done at all. Things I'm looking forward to: Going to Keegan's track meet (I missed it last week) and t-ball practice starts, yeah for Spring! I hope my energy levels get better!
Thanks to all of you who continue to send love and prayers.
P.S. On a completely different note, I use Picasa to edit all my photos (always have) and today I noticed that Picasa 'upgraded' and now has all of the same functions that Picnik has (but won't soon!), I thought that I would pass that along if you are sad about the loss of Picnik.
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