You guys are going to think I'm crazy, in fact, I think I'm crazy. I am going to participate in the "31 Days" series. I'm scared to death!!! My blogging rate has, let's say, gone down hill with the whole cancer/chemotherapy can I even begin to think I can pull off 31 solid days of blogging? Eeekk!Well, first of all, I am going to stop thinking about what I can't do and think about what I can do. What I can share with you, what I can teach you, what I can show you.
So why did I title my series "31 Days With M.E." ? Well, my initials are M.E. (Michelle Edwards) and not only is it a fun twist for the title, but I want to take you through 31 days with me. Me, the decorator, me the artist, me the designer, me the mother, me the cancer patient. I can't guarantee every day will be sunshine and butterflies, because, let's face it, not every day is...don't get me wrong though, I don't want to talk about cancer for 31 days, but it is ok that I do talk about it some days....and we'll do fun stuff on the other days. :)
I have also started scheming up some projects, tutorials, and tablescapes, I really hope you will join me.
So tomorrow is October the 1st and the beginning of this personal challenge, Lord help me! See you tomorrow!
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