31 Days With ME: Hair!

Can you see it? No, no, not the light through my ears...the fuzz on my head! Watch out people, hair is going to happen! You are looking at about a months growth. The new chemo that I start on Monday will not effect my hair, which is a relief. Why is it a relief you might ask, I'm not really sure...maybe it's being a women, that hair is an important thing, but until you don't have any, it's hard to explain. There are a lot of other things that happen living with cancer and going through chemo, a lot of things that no doctor, nurse, or pamphlet could prepare me for...even though they try. There really is no preparation, just taking one day at a time and learning to deal with a disease that could and probably will take my life at some point. Reality.
I start this next round of chemo and it's 5 days straight so I don't know how present I will be during it or even after it. If I had been smart, I would have pre-written (is that a word?) some post...but I'm just not that organized. 
I'm a little scared, but hopefully I will be ok. 
 (my little shadow in the background)

Today though, I want to thank you. You don't even 'know' me and you are so willing to offer up prayers. So many of you have shared your stories with me, either through the comments here or by email. That is so encouraging to me to know that I'm not alone...the support is helping me be stronger and to keep fighting. I can't thank you enough.



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