Goodbye For A While

 I hope everyone had a beautiful Christmas, that you were surrounded by people you love. Back in the beginning of December when I said I would not be around much, I guess I wasn't's been a while since I've sat down and written's surprising to me how easy it is not to be thinking of this part of my life for so long. It began as a feeling I was having to make the season less stressful....I decorated less, crafted less....and that felt ok...but between you and me, I miss the old me that was unstoppable.
 Then the tragedy in Newtown occurred and my heart has been burdened, it felt ridiculous to blog more than ever. I know that we must move forward, that we have to get back up again after being stunned and damaged....I have had to learn to do that dealing with cancer, it is not easy to do....but we must.
 I feel sort of foolish blogging to say I won't be blogging for a while, but I just don't want to stop and not let you guys know. I'm not giving up, I'm just taking a break. I am going to take as much time as needed to try to sort out a few things and of course continue to try to stay strong going through my's hard to believe that I have been on chemo for almost a year now.....and really nothing to show for it but hair loss and medical bills. I have a CT scan the first part of January and maybe this new regimen is doing something??? We'll see.
I also don't want to go without saying thank you to all of you that have supported me through all of this. My cheering squad, my prayer warriors...please know how grateful I am that you take the time to whisper my name in prayer and comment here or take the time to email me. Countless times I am amazed at the comradeship we all have, but I shouldn't be, you guys are incredible. Thank you from the bottom, top and middle of my heart. 
I hope you all have a wonderful New Year! If you want to contact me, feel free to email me at and even look me up on facebook.

"What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from." T.S. Eliot



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