{A pic of a part of the boys' section in the new library... I doubt it will stay looking like this for long although right now I've been a bit of a psycho about it: "Ok, Christian, you've finished with a little golden book. See the books with the golden spines? They all go here." Poor child. }
The guys finished our bookcases in the upstairs loft this Saturday and we stayed up all night to unload all of our books. (The shelves are packed but for the most part, everything fits with a little bit of room to grow our library.) Buried in our garage amongst the books were the boys toys, things for our kitchen, clothes and tons of other random things we'd been missing. Here's the fallout:
{Don't worry Mom, it's not going to the landfill}
Our books have never been so organized (My husband- a former English teacher- broke our books down into American lit, English lit, world, etc. and I had fun taking stock of all of my herb books, junky fiction and and design books. The boys have their own - super-accessible- section and even Louie has baskets for his board books at the very bottom. I had a little room to fit in some of my favorite natural things that we've collected over the years like a huge crystal geode we found at my favorite antique store, shells & coral we've collected on vacations, feathers, cool pieces of wood, etc. Everything is right where we need it and it feels so good!!!)
We're at the point now where we're emptying out the garage and will be pulling the car in today!!! ... And I'm staring at an island full of random stuff that I don't know what to do with but that I'm not sure I can get rid of. That last pile takes the longest but I'm leaning towards getting rid of most of it just so we can breath again.
This is so freeing.
Have a great Monday & I'll be back with more pics!

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