So I've been in some kind of funk lately, and of course my blog has to do the suffering. It's nothing serious, I just haven't felt inspired lately...I can't even muster up a good table scape...and I can always do that...
What's a girl to do but to surf around and look for something inspiring! I went over to Jen's place she is loaded to the hilt with ideas and inspiration, if you haven't been to Tatertots and Jello, go now. Well maybe not right now, stay for a little while and then go over there...
I was inspired by the beautiful ruffled burlap runner Jen created, not too long ago...looks like just the project to bring me around.
Now, if you've been here before, or if you are new reader, I don't sew. I really don't.
{{{Inner Voice}}}}}Then WHY do you consistently buy fabric, own a sewing machine, and get inspired by sewing projects!?! IDK!!
Now Jen probably whipped this puppy up in an hour or ALL DAY. Yes, you read it right All Day long. This project is not for the amateur seamstress. It's not for beginners (like me). This is not for the faint of heart.
Any thing that could go wrong in this project did. But I wasn't going to let it get the best of me! No Sirree Bob! I was not going to let some burlap and cute fabric make me quit! I finished it.
It's done.
It's beautiful.
And one of three things better happen:
A.) My children pass it down to their children, as a loving heirloom runner (What??? Who passes down a runner !?!)
B.) I'm buried with it, along with my Jimmy Buffett Fruitcakes CD (They just seem to go hand in hand)
C.) It is hanging in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 25 years after I've died, found amongst my beloved treasures, along with some petrified animal crackers in a zip lock bag. (I ate a lot of those while sewing this)
Jen does have a great tutorial for this project, and I followed it pretty closely. I had to change two things, simply because I didn't have them on hand...I didn't have any batting, but it seemed OK. Also, I sewed it right sides together, then flipped it right side out, instead of using bias tape.
Thanks for stopping by! Thanks Jen for your inspiring project!
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