If you've been following along, you know that spray paint is my BFF! But ever so often, I come across an accessory that I don't have to paint, which is great too, because then I don't have paint on my hands for the next three days because I don't wear gloves.
I found a beautiful vase at the Beaver's Dam Antiques and did not have to alter it a bit! I did a new little vignette on the coffee table in honor of it. It's my way of welcoming it to the ever growing family of vases. Also, we finally got a sea grass rug! It was a birthday present from Justin, boy, does that man know me like a book! Not only does it look great, it smells great too!
So I went from this: Bare Floor
To This:
Justin and I love the new rug, however, the kids complain about it, and the dog thinks it a big back scratcher, but we are getting use to it! :)

Painted glass votive, spray painted small vase and plate, very simple. Love my manzanita branches. The star fish I love too, this is the natural color. Most commonly found bleached white. I love the grey!

Especially next to the green!
Visit Marty @ A Stroll Thru Life

Painted glass votive, spray painted small vase and plate, very simple. Love my manzanita branches. The star fish I love too, this is the natural color. Most commonly found bleached white. I love the grey!
Especially next to the green!
Visit Marty @ A Stroll Thru Life

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