Oh well, or so I thought.
I was watching online episodes of House and Home and noticed a video in the DIY section pertaining to painting bottles. I clicked on it and watched as the gal demonstrated how to paint bottles, not in the traditional sense (spray painting the outside), but in a way I had not thought of. She demonstrated pouring paint into the bottles, sitting them upside down to pour out the excess, and after drying, had beautiful bottles that looked like milk glass! I loved it! I decided to try the method on the pear canister. If it didn't work, I was only out a dollar.
You've got to try this! Change the look of any glass container! You'll be amazed at the result! It is almost as addictive as spray painting! :)
Check out the video here
P.S. In case you didn't notice, I FINALLY was successful at creating a button, thanks to my husband! If you would like to grab it, it's going to stay at the tippy top for a few days, I'm just so darn proud of

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