Happy Spring!! I hope you had a great weekend. Saturday for us was a rainy messy day, but Sunday could not have been more perfect. I worked on a fun felt flower project that I'll show you later this week. In the mean time, for Inspiration Monday, Samantha Pynn is on deck. I use to watch her show on HGTV, Pure Design, but since giving cable up over a year ago, I'm not sure whether it airs or not. At any rate, she has undeniable style and likes to mix it up a lot. I think that is what really draws me to any certain designer, fearless mixing of styles.
In this room, the shield chairs with the modern table, and vertical blue on the drapery panels...I really like that. The lamps are great too.
I like the mantlescape in this room, I like the round mirror, probably because I use one over the mantel too.
I love the fabric on the chairs in this next room, the coffee table, and the landscapes. Very nice.
Is this divine or what? This green makes my heart sing, combine it with the fantastic floral pillow, and we have a match made in heaven.
On a side note, I'm still having a difficult time selecting fabric for my chair project, I'm really torn on going safe or bold....but looking at this picture makes me want to go bold all the way! So striking, can I just kick in that the photo composititon is excellent too? :)
This is another angle of the same living room as above, love the sofa and the mirrored cubes are so unexpected.

Visit Samantha's website here.
So I just gotta ask, if you feel like giving me your two cents, are you enjoying the Inspiration Monday's? I'd love to hear what you think, although it's ok if you don't want to chime in. I am always right clicking on inspiration photos and saving them into my virtual design file...I thought it would be fun to share.
Have a great day and I'll see you tomorrow.
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