New Displays @ The Booth

Did your weekend go well? The sun is finally shining here in southwest Missouri, and that always makes for a good weekend. I was working at my booth space, filling in with goodies and I finally remembered to bring my camera.

Valentine's Day is right around the corner so I did a little display for the ever popular occasion.

I included my collage hearts that I originally made for Etsy, but decided to take them offline and see how they would do at the booth. I'm still not sure how handmade does in my area, it's kind of hit or miss. I think that most people {in my area} are of the mindset that if it's handmade it's low in quality, but I know how much time and effort I put into each piece I make, and it's far from second rate. Anyway, I like mixing handmade with my vintage things, so we'll see how it goes.

I moved some of the furniture around (that I could by myself) and moved my green and white dresser into a new spot. I still love this piece and it's waiting for a special person. Don't you like that brass lamp? I have a pair of them, they almost didn't make it to the booth! :) I found hem shade-less and put a cream shade on them, but I might change them to black shades, that would look even better.

I've got a little bit of spring and more coming soon too.

You probably remember the blue dresser that sold last month and I replaced it with this BEAUTIFUL walnut buffet. Of course I miss that blue up against the trellis wall, but I think it's working ok, though I need some color up there now!

My music sheet wreath is still hanging, either no one 'gets' it or I've got it priced too high.

I'll be improving and rearranging even more and I'll be sure to share it with you.

P.S. If you see any of the littles you might like, don't hesitate to holler at me, I don't mind shipping.

Need a design boost? For advice and guidance on style, contact me!


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