I had a little extra time this morning (my kindergartener had no school!!) so I got the chance to visit some of my dear blog (and real life too!) friends. Reading blogs is one of my favorite things to do, but now that I have three kids, the time I actually have for it is almost nonexistant. But, when I do have the time to visit my friends' blogs, I'm honestly never short of amazed. It's kind of crazy, actually, how talented these people are.
First stop this morning was my friend Loi of Tone one Tone. I went back a few posts (that's what you do when you're catching up so it's kind of like watching a TV series on Netflix all in a row = really satisfying and a bit obsessive ;) and I am GAGA over this kitchen he did for his friend:
{Design by Loi Thai of Tone on Tone}
I have been meaning to mention for a while now, the new book that my friend, Maria Killam, (the paint color guru of Colour Me Happy ) wrote. It's an an e-book that totally demystifies the paint color selection process. It's fully of pretty pictures and really practical advice & methods so if you haven't read it and you're a designer or homeowner who dabbles in design, you have to check it out:
Maria is smart & funny and direct (a natural teacher) ...and you will love her if you don't already!!
And, as I'm sure you probably know, my friend Brooke Giannetti of Velvet and Linen is building her dream home with her architect husband, Steve.. It's seriously going to be one of the most incredible houses in the world. When I stop into Velvet & Linen to see what they're doing, I'm always in complete awe.
{A mid-project photo of Patina Farm}
When working on my own home, I find myself thinking about Brooke and Loi (of Tone on Tone) a lot... Our aesthetics are of course different but what they do really resonates within me. I'm so inspired by their clean, honest styles... the materials they use, their palettes... everything!! The BONES of what they're working on are always perfection because they've thought about every last detail. Nothing is trying to be anything other than what it is. I've visited both of their homes and they were seriously two of the most amazing homes I've ever visited. (They are in my top 3 favorite houses I've ever stepped foot into along with with my photographer's house- Helen Norman- below)
{Helen's Kitchen}
I always leave their blogs feeling so inspired and feel like I know a little bit more about my own style after reading their informative posts. They're all so TRUE to their design visions and know themselves so well and really inspire me to try to be the same way.
And finally, my friend Debra Phillips, the landscape designer and store owner who writes 5th and State just wrote a really beautiful post about following her passion & starting her business. Debra is one of the funniest, kindest and mos insightful people I've ever met and she's truly driven to do what she does. If you need to get a little pumped up today about following your dreams, check out Debra's most recent post:
{Check out Debra's post on Passion here}
There are so many more talented & inspiring friends I want to mention here but my blogging time is UP!! (The 3 little men in my life need me.) Have an amazing weekend & thanks for reading!!

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
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