Next week, I'll be giving a talk on blogging for IFDA. (International Furnishings and Design Association) I was both nervous and excited when I got an email from Julianne Yurek inviting me to come talk about "How To Build Your Business Through Blogging."
Nervous because-- public speaking is public speaking.
And excited because-- blogging is something I truly feel has changed my life.
I started blogging when I was just beginning my design business, and writing the blog not only helped boost my credibility & get my work out there, but it gave me the self-confidence I needed to keep going and to think big.
I started it when my husband & I sold our townhouse for a huge loss and went to live in my parents' basement with our (then) baby boy. It was a time for getting back on our feet, to save for a house, again. In the basement, I remember stumbling across the world of blogs and not even knowing what they were. At first I thought that they were really odd and I wondered why people would want to read about someone else's home renovation... But as I started reading them, I started loving them. I started feeling like I was friends with the writers, like I knew them. It felt like a world I was sort of on the edge of... One I wasn't quite a part of & wanted to be. One night, I finally started one. It was my little outlet where I thought I'd write for my grandmother & my mother-in-law. Eventually, though, more people started to read and I began to realize that blogging was so much bigger than I thought it was.
I can honestly say that blogging has shaped my business and really, my entire life. The friends I've made and the experiences & opportunities that have opened up to me as a result of it have been amazing. I'm excited to share my experience with others so that they too can hopefully get something meaningful out of blogging.
If you're in the DC area, the event is open to anyone, so please come join us!
I'd love to meet you!!
When: Wednesday, March 13th – 5:30pm – 7:30pm – Talk Starts at 6pm
Where: Architectural Ceramics - 203 South Union St. Alexandria, VirginiaTickets are only $8 – they include drinks and hors d’oeuvres to enjoy at the event. Student admission is free with a student ID.
Questions? Email:
Hope to see you there!

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
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