My doctor gave me one of those Michelle-Edwards-has-cancer-letters to use at the airport, you know so I could get from gate to gate on one of those little glorified golf carts and wheelchairs from here to there, but I refused to use it. Stubborn much? Why yes, yes I am. I did not show anyone my little letter, but kept it close just in case. Actually the Dallas/Ft. Worth airport is quite easy to navigate...they even have those fast walking track things that helped me a while I watched other people whiz by me, much like what I would have been doing 2 years ago, I paced myself and made it to each gate at both airports without a hitch. My disease did not win that day...cancer 0-stubborn streak-1.
My sister picked me up at the airport and the adventure didn't stop until I left.
If you are with me on Instagram, you saw some more detailed pictures, but being home, with my family, near the ocean makes my heart sing.
The water is a little too cold still but the weather was wonderful.
We headed to Greenville to watch our dear Michael graduate. Here is my version of "Where's
Of course there was a little party to celebrate too
Proud Momma (my sister) and Michael.
My sister and I kissing the graduate.
Michael, I know you don't read my blog, but my heart is just bursting with pride. I am so proud of the man you have become and so honored to have witnessed you grow up and accomplish SO much already. I can't wait to see what the future brings. You are an amazing person and you inspire me! -Love Always Shell.
I have chemo on Monday (seems like I'm always saying that), so I probably won't be online again for a while. Summer is starting, the weather is heating up and it's my favorite time of year! This short hair is going to be great during the summer-ha! Talk to you soon!
If you haven't already, look me up on Instagram or Facebook, I'd love to see you there.
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