A very sweet client of ours lives in a home that overlooks the most beautiful stretch of woods near the Potomac... Her builder (many years ago & has since stopped building) designed her incredible home to fit right in with the land. The views are seriously breathtaking.
{we recently had the red walls painted a soft cream and replaced recessed lights in the foyer with overscale glass orbs. The front hallway acts as a gallery where our client displays special pieces they've collected over the years.}
Behind the house is a steep forested hill overlooking a stream. The first time I saw it was in the Winter and you could see forever into the woods. It was incredible!!! As you can see from the photos, now it's like being up in a treehouse surrounded by lush green everywhere you look. We added a cozy little hangout area on the stair landing so our client and her family/friends could enjoy the view:
{Some of the wood in the home including the interior doors was a pink pickled oak while the floors were a red hardwood. They really clashed and changing the floors wasn't an option so we decided to stain the wood black and paint the trim cream to unify everything.}
Throughout the home we also had all of the window mullions and doors painted black to frame the views and it's made such a difference!!
I love this quiet little writing nook off of the living room... A chair for the desk is being made now:
The photo of her mother is so beautiful...
Anyway, I'm off for the weekend but hope you enjoyed these little peeks into our client's home!!

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
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