It's a dresser now, but it didn't use to be. It has a long history, I'm guessing mid to late 60's, maybe early 70's. It was my Grandmother's desk at one time. I think it would have looked like this:
Via Design Sponge
I don't know the story, although I wish I did. Why did Sadie Mae cut up her desk!?! The only thing I do know is that she did it herself. I can imagine her with some kind of saw, going to town on it! She was that kinda gal.
I have lugged this thing around with my, ever since she passed away in 1997. I did not ever try to repair it, nor did I now, I like the fact that she left her mark on it. I did, however, think it was time for a paint job, and a bold one at that. I know she likes it.
Here is the before, your standard run-of-the-mill
veneer top, nice clean lines, and I quite like the hardware, they are original.
It has seen better days, and it will again, after I get done with it!
here is the gnarly side, left intact. It's staying. Call me sentimental.
I gave the dresser a good cleaning, and painted it with a standard black and white latex enamel. Cleaned up the hardware.....
I was in L.O.V.E. I mean it.
Talk about being out of my comfort zone, I am walking on the edge of something totally unfamiliar here! I am taking charge of the ho-hum living room I once had and I am shaking it up a bit!!!
Continuing on with adding color to my living room, I spray painted a leaf dish with, can you guess? You got it! Krylon's Ivy leaf. I am not afraid, OK, maybe a little, but there's no turning back now! I was ready to give this back to the Goodwill, which is where I found it, but I'm back in love with it!
Now, I've got to tell you. But not today. This little dresser is holding a lot of secrets. One of which you will have to wait and see...
What else could I have done to this little gem?
Stay tuned!
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