Hello and welcome to another episode of: "Logan's Room Is Taking Forever" with your hostess: Really Exhausted Mom! *Just kidding*
It's another one of those times, when I get a wild hair up my hoo-hoo, and well, let's just say, it's a process.
Sometimes, I wish I was a little less DIY and a little more get someone else to DIY....and that other DIYer happens to be my dearest husband Justin.
I was sick to death of the lack of storage in Logan's room and I was determined to create something to suit our needs. Nod your head if toy storage is an issue...
We bought some MDF, and Justin built the most grand of shelving units ever!
He got that thing built and ready to go in just about a week...both of us working and living full time, ya know.
My part of the job was painting...luckily, I recruited our teenager to help with the pain-staking-long-and-drawn-out-process of painting the beast of a shelf...
That took 2 full days into the wee hours of the night, not to mention that I was painting Logan's Armoire in tandem...
We got 'er done
In the upper shelves, I put things like books, and stuffed animals, etc...
I painted a generic rusty star red and distressed it, and hung it right in the middle of the shelf
This chair I just got done with this weekend, I found it at the GW for $5.98, it was a natural oak color, and I loved the woven rush seat. I knew it would work great in Logan's room with a coat of Banner Red from Krylon.
I love how it turned out! Not bad for under 6 bucks and a can of spray paint!
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