
Hello everyone! Thanks for dropping by, I am really in the holiday spirit and I have been decorating up a storm! After a lot of decorating it seems like I have a lot of cleaning to do too.....what's that about? Here in the Kitchen I have gotten the Candy Land Tree done and have started the detail stuff now. You might remember this cloche that I used for my Halloween display

Now I have it with a silver tree candle

I like doing the trees and then decorating...Marty's Cloche Party is the perfect time to show you some {I mean} all three of my cloches!

Now I have it with a silver tree candle

I like doing the trees and then decorating...Marty's Cloche Party is the perfect time to show you some {I mean} all three of my cloches!
I love my cloche base that I made last summer and I have gotten a lot of use out of it.
I use it now to display one of my favorite vintage Santa guys

I love this guy and I don't know if it's just me or not, but I can't find decent looking Christmas figures out there....it seems like they are trying to see how cheap they can make stuff-and it's really showing. I have had this guy for many years.

My dear MIL bought this vintage looking tree for me-love it! I have more going on in the kitchen {probably too much} but let's go ahead and move in to the living room.

I have kept the color in here to a minimum, but I like that right now with so much color in the kitchen, the living area is plain and simple.

Plain and simple doesn't mean I skimp on the details.

I use it now to display one of my favorite vintage Santa guys

I love this guy and I don't know if it's just me or not, but I can't find decent looking Christmas figures out there....it seems like they are trying to see how cheap they can make stuff-and it's really showing. I have had this guy for many years.

My dear MIL bought this vintage looking tree for me-love it! I have more going on in the kitchen {probably too much} but let's go ahead and move in to the living room.

I have kept the color in here to a minimum, but I like that right now with so much color in the kitchen, the living area is plain and simple.

Plain and simple doesn't mean I skimp on the details.
It can't be any easier than this: Snow, snowflake, and a few ornaments!

I love my milk glass collection and I use several pieces for everything, especially this little vase, which I have multiples of

I love green and brown together and throwing in silver for the holidays, well friends, it makes me: happy! Putting ornaments in apothecary jars is simple and beautiful! I used a collection of glass and glitterey ornaments. This would be a great way to display odd ornaments

I love green and brown together and throwing in silver for the holidays, well friends, it makes me: happy! Putting ornaments in apothecary jars is simple and beautiful! I used a collection of glass and glitterey ornaments. This would be a great way to display odd ornaments

Dressing up candles, you've seen these before, with holiday ribbon, and they are feeling festive too!

I recently got this silver tray at my favorite thrift store and I really love it! It cleaned up purdy! Chalk that one up to Thrifty Love!

I recently got this silver tray at my favorite thrift store and I really love it! It cleaned up purdy! Chalk that one up to Thrifty Love!

Well I can't seem to do anything with out having pinecones! So here they are! Nestled all together in a not so big cloche and a milk glass base-to me, this is perfection
Thank you Marty for hosting this great party! Be sure to visit all the clocheness at A Stroll Thru Life!
Thanks for stopping by and looking at my bits and snipets of the house. If you would like to, join me at facebook; click the button at the top left corner. I think it would be easier to ask questions and talk via facebook than emails, plus you can see what I'm up to more often!

Thanks for stopping by and looking at my bits and snipets of the house. If you would like to, join me at facebook; click the button at the top left corner. I think it would be easier to ask questions and talk via facebook than emails, plus you can see what I'm up to more often!
One more thing, don't forget that I have free shipping until Christmas at my Etsy Shop. I have made countless gingerbread men and you can have your very own! Just click on my Shop on my side bar and it will take you straight to my Shop!
Oops! One more thing, thank you to all who commented on the Dwell Studio Modern Thanksgiving Contest on my behalf!
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